Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Como Town

This afternoon Grandpa and Grandma took us to Como Town - a permanent carnival that I went to when I was a kid. Jake got to do a lot more than he did last year and was able to squeak by at the 36in requirement. Rachel's favorite was the hopper. She went on it twice before Reagan got the courage to join her (of course Reagan loved it too). Reagan's favorite was the fire truck ride. They rode up top and squirted down the fire, getting "all soaked wet". Mommy rode the teacups twice. The second time I rode with Reagan and was spun dizzy. The girls didn't want to take time to eat (not the case for Jake who ate most of a foot long hotdog). Rachel ate almost a whole bag of cotton candy for supper. Not surprising that they were hungry when we got home at 8pm.

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