Monday, September 29, 2008

Magic Kingdom Day 1

We spent 3 days at Magic Kingdom. The first day we started at the Indy Raceway. That was a favorite of all three kids, but especially Jake....who you can barely see over the dashboard. We rode that ride a couple of times while we were there. As soon as the Hall of Fame opened, we were in line to see the princesses - who Reagan had been whining about meeting since we arrived in Orlando. We met Aurora (Sleeping Beauty), Belle (Beauty and the Beast) and Cinderella and Prince Charming. They were all so sweet to the girls and spent quite a bit of time with them. On our way out the door we won fastpasses for the day AGAIN. Months of schedule planning went out the window. We had fastpasses to use. We hit Pooh's Adventure ride and Peter Pan's flight - both which Reagan screamed through. Who knew they were scary? She did love It's a Small World, but I could only stomache that ride once. We also rode the carousel and even Papa and Nana got on horses. Then we were chosen to be in the new Family Fun Parade as the flag/banner wavers. After a bite to eat at the Starlight Cafe where we ate outside because Reagan was afraid of the singing alien inside, we watched the afternoon parade. Jake needed a nap so he went to Hall of Presidents with Nana and Papa while the girls went with us to ride Splash Mountain and Thunder Mountain railroad. should we be surprised that Reagan didn't like either of them?

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