Reagan loves doing craft. I actually came up with something for her to do this day, but often she just creates her own craft. She even makes clothes out of construction paper for her stuffed animals.
I wish I could say that this was all the snow we got this year, but it wasn't. We never got more than this (at least not yet), but we have had snow a couple times this year. I am SO OVER it. They have cancelled school 3 days so far this year. And with this much snow, they even shut down main roads and the highway.
We didn't have enough snow for a snowman, but it was enough for a little snowball fight. of course it was everyone against mommy.
Jake was fascinated with his, we don't have boots. We are lucky to have gloves and snowpants this year (only because we are going to Minnesota in March).
After reading Dick and Jane and Bob books (being held by her toes in the above picture). Reagan read her first book in January. Strangely she picked the same book that was Rachel's first book - "Happy Halloween Dear Dragon". She is earning book bucks now. I just need to figure out what they are redeemable for.
Happy Valentine's day...or I mean, Happy President's day? We opened our valentine's a day later. It was a day late, but not a dollar short - they each got $2.
Having a fit because I told him that he couldn't go to the top of the driveway because he doesn't put his feet on the pedals (and if he put his feet out to stop he would flip himself over).
This is what I love about Alabama...riding bikes in January. Only this has been the worst winter ever with cold cold weather and way too much snow (like an inch or more). Time to move to Florida.
We used to go to Chick FilA once a week, but now it is more of a special occasion. Who can afford buying Jake 9-10 nuggets? Rachel loves getting toys but doesn't mind treating them in for ice cream.
Getting the house ready to sell, we have repainted almost all the walls, decluttered, and rearranged the furniture. Thanks to Papa, Nana and Grammie. The girls like their new bunked beds.