Thursday, December 25, 2008

Pink Pig

What is the Pink Pig, you may ask...well, I asked that same question. I was told that it was a ride and Jeff's parents used to take him and Jack to it every year at Christmas. That still didn't answer my question. I had to find out for myself. We drove an hour and 15 minutes from Cornelia to downtown Atlanta - at the Lenox Mall. We went inside to buy tickets and found quite a long line. This pink pig must really be something, I thought to myself. We waited about an hour to get our tickets and then another 30 minutes waiting in a line outside for the ride - 20 degrees outside and we were not dressed appropriately. Finally after an hour and a half, the kids got to ride the pink pig - essentially a train carnie ride. (And to think we didn't wait 30 minutes for any ride at Disney world....) Now my question is, if you know what the pink pig is, why would you wait over an hour to ride it?

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