Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I finally got a copy of the original Xray taken when Rachel broke her arm. The view is upside down, but you can see how the knob of the bone is completely broken off from the long bone and how her elbow has swollen up. I'm thankful that it didn't pierce the skin.
Her physical therapy is going well. She has movement back in her wrist. Due to the nerve damage it may take 2 more months to come back completely. Right now she cannot grasp an object or straighten her fingers out. The physical therapist said that theis will be the next to come back, followed by forefinger and thumb movement. She is able to bend her elbow up to her ear, but can't quite get it straightened out. The physical therapist was pleased with her progress today - 6 weeks since her break. (Splint comes off permanently on Friday. Hooray!)

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